Happy Halloween!

We had a lot of fun on Halloween this year!  The day before Halloween, We took James outside to show him how to carve a pumpkin.  He was not impressed.
I love this picture because you can tell that both of them are completely grossed out by the pumpkin guts-
Finally, I had to take over because Ray was having some problems carving some of the details-
I asked Ray to carve a scary pumpkin for me...
I think he did a pretty good job because that pumpkin is seriously scary!
On Halloween, I decided to put him in his costume early in the day.  He only has one day to dress up, so why not show him off, right?  He went to Costco dressed up and it was a lot of fun.  When we got home, he slept in his costume for his nap.  I think he thought it was pretty comfortable.  Once he woke up from his nap, I took some pictures of him with the rest of his heard-
Then we went to church to have some fun with some of his buddies-
Later, we came back home and picked up daddy and went to Chipotle to get their Halloween "Boorito" deal (any burrito for $3 if you dress up).  I love some cheap Chipotle!  I dressed up as a giraffe trainer and Ray went as 3 Hole Punch Jim from the TV show, The Office.  
We ended the night with a bonfire.  So much fun with our sweet giraffe!


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