Full of Thanks (and Grandma's Stuffing)

We had a very busy day this Thanksgiving, but it was full of family and we loved every minute.  Yesterday, Evan (Ray's brother), came into town for the holiday weekend!  He and his wife serve in the Navy and they live on the west coast.  Evan's wife couldn't come because she's in the ocean serving on a submarine.  We're so thankful for their service, but I'm extra glad when they can take a break from serving and come to stay with us for awhile.  Evan and I got to hang out yesterday and James loved having some bonding time with his only uncle-
They have been able to play together and I can't wait until Evan has kids of his own (no pressure - seriously).  But I just know that he will be a great dad one day :)
This morning we woke up and cooked a big breakfast.  Then, while James was napping, Evan, Ray, and I decorated the tree.
After James woke up, we went to aunt Kim's house to visit for a couple of hours.  We made some apple cider while we were there with Ray's dad's cider maker/press thing.
After spending time with Ray's family, we headed out to my parent's house.  We had a huge feast and had so much fun with all the kids and family there.  James was especially fond of Kathryn's stuffing and cranberries. 
What a full day!  We are so thankful for such wonderful family - most of which live very close to us.  Right now I'm thankful that James is in the bed and I'm relaxing in the twinkle of my Christmas tree while grandma's stuffing and pecan pie is still in my satisfied belly. 


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