11 Months!

In less than a month, my little baby will be a year old!  How is this possible?  Here's what he's doing these days-
- He loves his two naps each day.  He never misses them.  He naps in the morning for 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours and he naps in the afternoon for about 1 1/2 hours - sometimes longer. 
- He is still not really eating anything, but he usually tastes whatever we put in front of him.  Typically he picks it up and puts it in his mouth.  If he doesn't like it, he spits it out immediately.  If he likes it, he usually chews on it for awhile and then spits it out.  His favorite foods right now are green peas and black beans.  The only food that he swallows somewhat regularly is yogurt and he typically only eats about a tablespoon at a time max. 
- He is doing a little better with tummy time, but he doesn't have any forward motion that looks anything like crawling.
- He sometimes scoots forward while sitting, but I don't think that he knows how to do it on purpose yet.
- He is really starting to like standing while leaning on something (a table, an ottoman, or a person), but you have to be there to spot him because he will completely topple over - little man is not very sturdy yet.
- He likes it when you throw a blanket over his head and he pulls it off - he usually laughs about this.
- He is starting to make more and more sounds, but no words yet.
- He likes to point at people and he loves it when you point back at him.
- He loves to be worn - especially on our backs.  The other day I wore him on my chest and he was a little fussy.  I slid him around to my back and he was perfectly content.  I guess he just likes it back there.
- We started brushing his two teeth and he thinks that it's funny.
- He got sick for the first time.  He got the 24 hour stomach bug.  He was so pitiful and cuddly.  He also gave the stomach bug to me, Ray, and Lisa/Mimi (James's grandmother).  Lisa was over at my house when he got sick the first time and she helped me take care of him that day.  Poor Lisa got very sick - worse than the rest of us - but thankfully it was a quick bug and all of us were back to normal within a couple of days. 
And some pictures!
James loves playing rough with his daddy and Pop-
Of course he doesn't want to look at the camera-
Pictures from when he was sick :(
James and I went to visit daddy at work-
One of his favorite places to be-
Mimi took us out to one of my favorite restaurants, Lucky 32, and James was perfect. I forgot toys, so he settled for playing with Mimi's lotion. 
Then he was less excited once it was time to eat- 
And after putting all his peas in his mouth and spitting them back out, he was looking at me like, "Mom, can we go?"
I think he's going to be obsessed with selfies... He already loves them!
I love my family!
Happy 11 months, James!


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