Luke is 2 Months Old

The little chunky one turned two months old on November 30.  It's hard to believe he's 2 months old.  We are adjusting well to being a family of four most of the time now.  What's going on with the little guy these days?
- He's huge. He's 15 pounds, 13 ounces. He's still way off the charts in terms of his size. His doctor describes him as "impressive." Glad all that mama milk is going to a good cause. He almost weighs the same as two of his future buddies who are 4 months older than he is.
- He is happiest when he's held or worn by mom or dad.  He still doesn't like to be put down much at all, but he's finally coming around a bit.  He's sometimes content for maybe five minutes max when he's not touching one of us.
- He has much more "happy time."  Ray and I call happy time the time when he's awake and content rather than awake and fussy.  Typically, he is happy for about an hour after he wakes up from a nap.  Then he's fussy for about 15-30 minutes and then he falls asleep.
- Sleep... what everyone asks about and what no mother wants to discuss: He almost always goes to sleep when we are wearing him.  I don't have the ability to rock him because I have to keep an eye on James, so he always goes down while I'm wearing him.  When we put him to bed at night, one of us wears him until he goes to sleep, and then we transition him to a swaddle, and then I nurse him until he goes to sleep.  He's been sleeping in a rock n play beside our bed for a couple of weeks now.  He really likes it because it makes him feel secure.  He wakes up several times a night to nurse, which is obviously completely normal.  I don't keep count of when or how often he wakes.  I just feed him and we all go back to sleep quickly.  Occasionally I know he's had 4-5 hour stretches!  That's encouraging!  But I'm not getting my hopes up for this child sleeping soundly for a long time since James didn't sleep through the night until he was 16 months old. 
- He started smiling around 7 weeks.  He keeps smiling more and more each day.  It's easiest to get a smile from him when he's on the changing table, but he still makes you work to get him to grin.
- Naps... He takes 1-2 morning naps that are pretty short (30-45 minutes) with me wearing him. But then he takes a long afternoon nap while James naps. Most of the time this nap starts in the wrap and then I move him to just sleeping with me or I put him in his swing. 

Here's a picture of James and Luke at exactly 2 months old. Luke is on the left and James is on the right. 
Here's his precious smile...
But this is a more typical look...
I've loved wrapping him on my back when I'm doing house work...
And I love wrapping him on my chest because we can take naps easily that way...
Snug as a bug...
One afternoon, both of them needed extra lovin' and fresh air, so I decided to take them on a walk. I wasn't walking very fast with the extra 40 pounds of children on me!
He's better at tummy time than his brother, but sadly, I don't put him on his belly much. When I put him on his belly, I have to act as his bodyguard because otherwise James jumps on top of him and tries to ride him or wrestle with him. I think Luke's going to grow up to be tough living with his crazy brother. 
I can't wait to see how much he changes in the next month! I love him so much! 


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