Sweet Little Bookworm

I've always wanted to make it a point to read to James each day and he loves it!  It's one of our favorite times of the day.  I read to him before his morning nap almost daily and many times I read to him at other times of the day too.  We go to the corner of the couch and pick up his favorite books.  He's normally a busy boy who's always trying to reach and grab, but when we sit down to read, his whole body just melts and he relaxes and settles in - lounging back on my chest as we read.
 He likes to touch the books that have texture -
 These are some of his favorite books right now.  He also likes Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Time for Bed, and Goodnight Moon. 
 He loves playing around with his tongue! 
 I love this sweet boy! 
 Who wouldn't love to read these fun books? 
 James, please grow up to have a love for reading and learning :)


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