Zoo Trip

Last weekend, Ray's parents took us to the NC Zoo in Asheboro!  I have not been to the zoo in over a decade, so I was excited to see all the animals.  Well... to be honest, I really just wanted to see the giraffes and I wanted James to see the giraffes.  I thought that it would be nice to see a giraffe or two in person since he has an abundance of giraffe toys and stuffed animals.  We had a lot of fun together.  We could not have done it without our Boba Carrier though.  James just chilled out in the carrier with Ray almost the whole time and he took little cat naps when he needed it, but he was alert and looking around most of the time.  Thank goodness for baby wearing! 
This is why I'm terrified of hiking / camping out west. No thanks, Mr. Grizzly Bear. 
There they are!  So pretty in person!
And they have serious tongues -
James's first picture with real giraffes -
Daddy and James
On to the elephants.  Almost as cool as giraffes, but not quite -
Loving his time with Pop -
Thanks for the great day!


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