6 Months!

My baby is 1/2 a year old!  How did that happen?  Time is flying by and James is loving life more and more.  Here's what's going on these days...
  • He weighs 18 pounds and 11 ounces.  It looks like his weight gain may be slowing down for a little while.
  • He is still exclusively nursing.  I let him play with some avocado a couple of days ago, but he was not interested.  I plan to let him play with more food in the coming weeks and hopefully he'll figure out the eating thing soon.
  • James has continued to nap well.  This makes me so happy!  He takes a morning nap that's usually 1 to 1 1/2 hours and an afternoon nap that's usually 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours.  I love how he's napping because it gives me time to do some things or rest and he wakes up refreshed and ready to go.  
  • He goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up around 7am, but he doesn't sleep though the night.  He usually wakes up twice a night to eat.  While I'm sure I would love a night of uninterrupted sleep, I am willing to feed him because I think that he needs it.  A couple of months ago, he was waking up six times a night.  Two times a night is progress.  And I won't deny that I love snuggling with him at night :)
  • James is sitting up!  I have to sit behind him or put pillows around him because he's still prone to fall over, but he's figuring it out.  
  • James is loving swimming at the pool.  We have been going almost every day that it's not raining.  We live about 3 minutes from the pool, so sometimes we just got for a quick dip.  But we love hanging out with friends at the pool too.  James does not really like the baby pool, but he swims like a little frog (in my arms) in the big pool.  
  • He is loving chewing on Sophie the Giraffe.  
And here are some pictures:
Even though James is not smiling here, I promise that he's loving the pool!
 Ray took James to play Disc Golf with him and Ray played the best round of his life.  Good luck charm?
 Some pictures on the day he turned 6 months -
 He loves Sophie
I could just look at those blue eyes all day.  And if you're wondering why my boy is wearing a necklace - it's because the necklace is an amber teething necklace.  There are mixed reviews on if it really works, but I thought I'd give it a try. 
He's getting the hang of looking into the camera.  Now if only we could get him to look and smile at the same time...
Me and James on my first Mother's Day -
James with his Mimi (grandmother) and Gigi (great grandmother) on Mother's Day
Oh Baby James... how you're growing!  We love you more than words could express! 


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