Girls' Night Out

As a stay at home mommy, James and I get to spend lots of time with other stay at home mommies during the week.  We have play group once a week and usually spend some time with other moms and babies too.  We love to watch our babies play we love to talk.  However, usually our talking gets interrupted by a child crying for some unknown reason or having to grab a crawler away from an electrical outlet or needing to feed a baby.  Mothers are needed and we embrace this calling, but sometimes moms just need time for ourselves.

This past Friday, most of the moms in the play group put our babies to sleep and then slipped out the back door and drove to Maxie B's - the best bakery around - for some much needed girl time and cake.  It was so incredibly nice to just be able to have conversations with these ladies without distractions.  It felt like college all over again.  Close girls, laughing together over coffee and cake.  Laughing so hard that I almost cried a couple of times.  Sure, we talked about babies, but we also talked about many other topics too.  Topics that will not be mentioned away from that sweet dessert shop :)

My favorite Maxie B's cake is Hummingbird.  This cake was extra special because the last time I had cake of any type was a couple of days before my due date and I had the Hummingbird.  After James was born, I went gluten and dairy free to prevent a variety of possible problems.  I felt that it was the best thing to do to ensure more success with breastfeeding.  Let's just say that I was SO ready to have that cake.  I gladly spent $5 for the slice.  It was delicious!  But now I'm back to being gluten free.  Maybe I'll have another slice for his birthday party.  I wonder if I'll be able to make it that long.
 I don't even remember what was happening here... I think it had something to do with Danielle getting cake on herself...
 The other side of the table...
 Ladies - We MUST do girls' night every month!  I love you all :)


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