James's First Haircut

James was born with beautiful hair - long and blonde.  I did not want to cut it for a long time.  Finally, Ray convinced me that he needed a haircut.  I wasn't about to cut it myself because I've butchered my own bangs more than once and I've messed up many manes on my horses.  I didn't want Ray to cut it because Ray would try to use the electric clippers.  Thankfully, my grandmother - James's Gigi Kathryn - did hair for years and she was thrilled to be able to give James his first haircut.  We went out on my back deck this afternoon and Kathryn cut my hair while James was napping and then she cut James's.  Here are his before pictures -

 His hair was pretty long -
 And his hair was wild.  Lots of crazy curls.  Ray and I both have curly hair, so we know that James is going to be cursed with hair that has a mind of its own. 
 And here is the worst part - the long rat tail.  He's had a rat tail since birth.  I loved his cute little rat tail -
And then the trimming began -
James was such a precious and perfect boy as he got his first hair cut!  I was one proud mommy.  And now he looks like a little man!  Here's the final product -
James was thanking his Gigi Kathryn here.  I think that Gigi Kathryn is a little obsessed with him :) 
 And the rat tail is gone!
Oh little man of mine - you're growing up!


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