I'm a Stay at Home Mom!

It's official!  I turned in my resignation to Guilford County Schools today and my new job title is "Stay at Home Mommy." 

Flashback to 2004 - Ray and I had been dating about 8 months and it was the summer before we started our freshman year in college.  Ray asked me what I wanted to do in life.  I distinctly remember this conversation.  We were laying in the hammock in my parent's backyard as we looked at the stars.  I had thought about a lot of things.  I figured I would have a job of some sort, I wanted to travel a lot, and I wanted to do whatever God called me to in life.  But there was more.  Ray and I have always had common values, so I was pretty sure that he was looking for one of my deepest desires in terms of what he wanted in a girl.  I told him that my deepest desire was to be a wife and a mother.  I don't remember exactly what he said (and Ray does not even remember this conversation), but he was very supportive and I felt more encouraged that this was the man I wanted to marry one day.  I was beginning to realize that I didn't just want to be a wife - I wanted to be his wife.  I didn't just want to have some kids - I wanted to have his kids. 

Years passed and it took Ray a little longer to realize that he he wanted me to be his wife, but eventually he came around.  Guys are a little slower than girls.  We got married and I became a teacher.  I worked for 4 1/2 years at Southeast Guilford High School as a Spanish teacher and I really liked what I did.  I was happy to be doing it for that season of my life.  I believe in education and I always brought my best to the classroom.  I loved so many of my students and I was thankful to have been able to influence so many of them during my short time teaching.  I am sure that I will go back to education at some point in the future, but not now.

For now, I am able to fully embrace doing my deepest desire - being a wife and a mother.  I am a little shocked every time I think about it - it's like I'm dreaming.  I am so thankful to be in this season of my life. 

Here are James and me on my "resignation day"


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