DIY - Alphabet Name {Masterpiece}

Alright... so one of my dreams is to be one of those girls who becomes famous on Etsy or Pinterest.  I want to be super crafty and creative.  My mom's side of the family is artsy and musical.  My mom could sew, play the piano, cross-stitch, and she made her own crafts.  I'm sure she did even more than that, I just can't remember.  My aunt is an artist.  My grandfather could play an organ.  My cousin made a quilt for James that I thought was professional.  What can I do?  Well I can't sew at all.  Not even a button.  Ray has a pair of pants that has needed to be hemmed for months and I keep telling him to take them to my grandmother or an alteration place.  I'm quite the homemaker. 

I did learn how to knit about a year ago.  It started because I had this idea of myself sitting by the fire in the evenings as I would spend quiet hours with the soft yarn between my fingers sculpting scarves and then socks and then sweaters.  Let's just say that my first scarf is still not complete, but even before it was complete, I did not want to make it for the pure joy of making it.  I had already envisioned myself making a knitting empire.  I could see myself becoming independently wealthy because my scarves would be the next big thing.  My confession - I am all about trying to turn my creations into $money$.  Of course you already know that if you have read my bread story.  I guess it's the American Dream at work in me.

So - my latest invention?  Well, sadly, it's not an invention at all.  A friend of a friend made a little alphabet name board for her son and I loved the idea.  I thought that I would put my own spin on it.  Here's where I got the idea , and then you can see my "masterpiece" (haha) below.  It was fun to do and I'm going to hang it in James's nursery because I think that it will look cute in there, but I doubt that it's the next hot item for Etsy or Pinterest. I made his in turquoise and gray because it will match the rest of his nursery and I'm going to hang it over the chair where I nurse him at night. 

But hey - if you want an alphabet name thingy for your kid or someone you know, let me know and I'll make it!  It was fun to do and I bet the second time I make one it will look even better :)


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