3 Months!

Did you know that winter is almost over?  I guess I missed it since I was busy taking care of a newborn all winter.  Here's what James is up to these days:

- He is tolerating tummy time much longer these days.  He likes it more on the Boppy than on the ground.  I can't blame him - I prefer laying on a pillow compared to the floor any day.
- He is sleeping less during the day.  He does not need to nap between every feeding.
- His "happy time" is much longer.  He likes to play for longer times and can entertain himself for a little while most of the time.
- He likes playing on his play mat.  He looks up at the lights and he seems to enjoy the music.  He hits the toys hanging down from the mat and makes lots of noise.
- He loves putting his hands together and he likes to suck his hands.
- He has started drooling much more and he always seems to have bubbles coming out of his mouth.
- He likes to stick his tongue out all the time.  He used to stick his tongue out just when he was hungry - now it's just out because I think he likes it to be out.
- He smiles at us a lot when we get right in front of him and act crazy.  He is less entertained by random strangers who wave at him when we're in the store.
- He loves to be worn.  Kiddo is almost always happy when he's being worn.  I walk with him on me most days in the neighborhood or in a park.
- He can grasp some toys when we put them near his hands.  He loves grabbing cloth.  He always grabs blankets and pulls them up to his mouth to bite them.  He tried to do this to his (clean) cloth diaper the other day.  I told him he might not want to chew on that.
- We put him in the nursery at church today for the first time and evidently he was a great guy.  I thought that I was going to get paged to come and get him, but he was a perfect gentleman.  Let's hope that continues because I loved being able to worship at church again without worrying that James would start screaming with a sudden hunger attack :) 
- Finally, he's weighing in these days at a whopping 15 pounds.  

All in all - he's more fun as each day passes and we're loving it!  Here are some pictures of us in the park when he was exactly 3 months old:

And a couple of pictures in James's room on his 1/4 birthday:

And here are some pictures from the past month:

James gets very happy when his daddy comes home from work -
James loves his new jumper -

He's a little obsessed with the parrot -
We walk a lot.  We were walking at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park here -

Mornings with mommy in our PJs -
So many toys!
Working hard on tummy time!  So hard that he has to stick his tongue out! 
And still loving his bath time - especially when he has a steady stream of warm water flowing over him.
 Ahhhh - James, we love you SO much!  We can wait to see how much you grow in this next month!! 


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