The First Few Days

James was born on Monday, December 10th, at 6:26am.  The day that he was born was filled with excitement and a lot of learning.  Everyone we worked with at Women's Hospital in Greensboro were fabulous.  They followed all the newborn procedures as we outlined them in our birth plan and they never questioned us about any of our decisions.  We felt very supported while we were there.  That said, we wanted to get out of the hospital and go home as soon as possible.  We were able to leave Tuesday afternoon.  While the hospital is nice for a little while, there's nothing like being at home. 
Obviously, I never knew until now how it felt to be a parent of a newborn.  There is so much love and hope for this little one.  All James has to do is look at me with those little eyes and I am a mess crying tears of gratitude and joy (and maybe some of those tears are hormonal too).
I also get very emotional thinking about James and his daddy.  Ray has been so wonderful - he has done and become more than I ever thought possible.  Ray changed all the diapers for the first few days and he taught me how to change a diaper.  Neither of us had ever changed a poopy diaper before James.  Thankfully, James does not know that we are learning on him!  Ray also soothes and comforts him just as much and as well as I can.  It is so great to have so much support.  Ray makes sure that I am well rested.  He makes me take naps during the day - which I really need.  He also gives me time to blog.  As I'm typing, Ray is asleep on the couch and James is in his arms - wrapped in a giraffe blanket.

I just love his tiny fingers and chubby cheeks.  I know that all moms think that their babies are perfect, but I'm absolutely convinced that he's as good as it gets.  
 This is not a Boba ad, but I do recommended this wrap.  It's so comfortable for James and whoever is carrying him.  Thanks so much, Kate, for getting it for me!
 Last night, we decided to go to Harris Teeter - my favorite grocery store.  James did so well.  He loves touching us so much that I thought he may freak out in the car seat, but he slept the entire time.  Because that trip went so well, we headed out to Costco today.  He did great at Costco and he was able to randomly meet his aunt Donna while we were shopping.  It's a good think that this kid seems to like grocery stores so far because I'm sure we will be there a lot.  Target is on our agenda for tomorrow.  Here's Ray and James getting ready to go.
Even though it was cool today, it was so beautiful outside, so I could not resist taking a walk.  The awesome part about wearing James is that he's a great heater.  We keep each other very warm.
I want to say a HUGE thanks to all my friends and family that have been encouraging me through texts, phone calls, and facebook.  It means so much.  I have not been able to get back to many people at all, but I just want you to know that you're important to me and once James and I get rested and on more of a routine, we will be out and about more and friends can actually meet him in person. 


  1. Oh, I just love him...he's so perfect! I can't wait to hold him and see you! Melissa Smoak

  2. Love your Boba wrap and all your babywearing photos!! You'll have to come out to a TTT meeting sometime. :)


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