Coming Home Outfit

I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and it's safe to say that the nesting has completely taken over and we're beyond excited for James to make his arrival.  Just one problem - I'm pretty sure he's coming when he's ready and he does not care that his nursery is all perfect and that I just want him to get here (after Thanksgiving of course).

As part of all that nesting, I went shopping with my friend, Haleigh, to find a "going home from the hospital" outfit.  Now I know some people like to get something formal for the baby to come home in, but I just want him to be warm and somewhat comfortable as he gets in the car seat for the quick ride home.  Thankfully, we only live about five minutes from the hospital, so I don't think that the ride will be too unbearable. 

I have tons of cute clothes for him for the first six months of his life that friends and family have generously given me, but I wanted to buy something new that I picked out specifically for him for his "coming home" outfit.  I know that it's not December yet, but I think that it's safe to assume that he will be a "holiday" baby since he will be coming sometime around Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

Haleigh and I went to Carter's (I LOVE that store) to look for a winter/holiday outfit.  They have tons of winter and Christmas themed clothes and I am a sucker for Christmas things - especially anything that has to do with reindeer.  I am kinda obsessed with them.  When I was a kid, I KNOW that I saw Rudolph one Christmas eve.  His red nose was blinking up in the sky.  Don't tell me it was an airplane.  I know it was Rudolph.  Anyway, I saw the cutest reindeer PJs that I knew would be perfect for James.  The reindeer is wearing a scarf and just looks so sweet.  But then I found snowman PJs and I loved them too.  I'm actually wearing snowman PJ pants right now.  So I decided to buy both the reindeer and the snowmen PJs.

When I got home, I was so excited to show Ray.  Now Ray does not get excited much.  PJs certainty don't do anything for him, but I like to try to amuse him anyway.  I made him turn around and close his eyes while I got the PJs out of the bag.  He was less than thrilled, but he fulfilled my request nevertheless.  I held up both and asked him with great anticipation, "Which do you like most, the snowmen or the reindeer?" and I showed him the two sets:
Ray responded, "Do you mean the snowmen or the moose?"

"What???" I asked in shock.  And I looked at the PJs and I could not believe what I saw.  I thought that I bought a reindeer, but instead, I bought a grey moose!  How was I so easily fooled?

Now this amused Ray and he laughed about it.  I was just in shock and I was trying to think about the idea of my son coming home wearing a moose rather than the reindeer than I intended for him.  Pregnancy brain?  I think so.

I guess James will come home wearing snowmen.  And I suppose that I will keep the moose outfit, because you've got to admit - the little guy is cute in his own way...
I know that I sure am thankful that I'm having a boy, because be it a monkey, frog, dog, moose, reindeer, or any other creature, it's better when it's NOT in pink. 


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