36 Weeks & Pregnancy Pics

Pregnancy Update at 36 weeks:
- Ray and I went to the doctor today for our 36 week appointment and James is measuring exactly at 36 weeks and he's still head down.  I guess you could say he's behaving.
- We have most things put together in the nursery, so that's a nice relief.
- I'm not exactly sleeping well at night anymore.  It's just uncomfortable to have about a 6 pound baby hanging out inside me.  He's either head-butting my bladder or kicking my ribs - or doing both at the same time.
- I am looking forward to labor and birth.  Maybe I'm crazy for looking forward to this, but as soon as I'm full term, I'll be happy and confident for him to come on out and meet the world. 
Last Saturday I was 35 1/2 weeks pregnant and my cousin, Kelli, snapped some pictures of me and Ray while we were at my parents' house.  It was a lot of fun!
 We can't get very close when we hug anymore!  Usually Ray's belt hits my belly button and it hurts a little bit.  I guess it's just the beginning of learning how to live with a family of 3 rather than just the 2 of us! 

Ray was acting like a crazy person :) 
 Talking to baby James -
 Alice (my horse) wanted to pose with us -

All my horses decided to be in the pictures.  Left to right: Crash, Alice, and Gracie

James, it won't be long until you and I are riding Alice together :)


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