37 Weeks = Full Term

As of today, I've made it to 37 weeks!  That's full term and that means that if James came tonight, he would most likely be just fine like any other full term baby.  That said, I don't think that he's going to be coming tonight.

Ray and I went to the doctor yesterday for our 37 week appointment and everything looked great.  He's still measuring exactly to his due date and it looks like I'm doing well too.  Even though I feel very uncomfortable when sitting, standing, or trying to sleep, I am very thankful that James is comfortable and growing as he should be.

All that said, it does not appear that labor will begin anytime soon.  I have not "dropped" at all, I have not felt the first contraction, and I have no other indication that labor is in the near future.  I know that all of that can change quickly, but as of right now, my plans are to be with my family for Thanksgiving and graze throughout the day since I can't really eat a ton of food at once.  James is taking up most of the room inside me leaving little room for that delicious stuffing that my grandmother Kathryn makes each Thanksgiving. 

As of right now, my plan is to work through my due date (December 5th).  At first, I wanted to stop work early so that I could rest, but knowing that most first time moms go past their due dates, I suppose I'll just keep working until I have to stop.  Thankfully, the nursery is done (pictures will be here soon!) and I already have a few meals frozen that we can eat once he comes home.  I would like one day to do some deep cleaning at my house.  The baseboards could use a nice cleaning and I would not mind organizing my closets, cleaning out the pantry, and scrubbing the refrigerator.  At the same time, if I don't get that stuff done, I know it's not the end of the world. 

Ray says that I always "like" to have something to worry about.  I suppose that right now I'm worried that James will be stubborn and decided that he does not want to leave - ever.  I'm a little afraid that this boy will decide to take residence in me forever and that I will have to evict him by means of an induction if I reach 42 weeks.  With the goal of a natural childbirth in mind, the thought of an induction and pitocin are obviously horrifying.  I'm trying to take that worry to God and I'm praying that James will come on his own and without medical intervention.  You can pray for us too!

In front of our house at (almost) 37 weeks -
 In the nursery with some of James's giraffes on his changing table.  It was early in the morning, so I don't look too amused -
I'm thinking that 12-1-12 or 12-12-12 would be cool birthdays, but I'm sure that I will be happy if he decides to come anytime in December.  I'm just telling him that he must come before 12-21-12 because that's MY birthday :)


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