James's Baby Dedication

Today Ray and I publically dedicated James to the Lord at our church.  Our desire is to raise him in a way that honors God.  We know that the best way that we can teach James to love Jesus is for him to see it in our own lives.  It is challenging to raise a child because they will see the worst in you and, hopefully, the best.  We love him so much and we know that many difficult and exciting seasons are ahead of us in our journey of parenthood.  But most of all, we know that in every season, we must keep our eyes on Him who made us and keeps us and will one day bring us home. 
These are the verses we chose for James:

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened,
so that you will know what is the hope of his calling,
what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe
Ephesians 1:18-19
Getting ready for the dedication
On stage with pastor Don - he married us and now he's helping us dedicate James.  We love being at Westover Church-
And apparently James loves him too - he was munching away on his collar and babbling during the prayer -
And here is our wonderful family who came to church with us and then back to our house to eat lunch.  We know that they will come alongside us as we raise him.  We could not do it without their blessings and help!
James - we love you so much and we pray that you will know how much Jesus loves you at a young age.  And we pray that you will receive him and allow him to transform your life into the man He created you to be. 


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