Baby's First 4th

James got to celebrate his first 4th of July!  What did we do special to celebrate?  Not too much.  He watched his daddy and pop put together a playground for him in the back yard.  Then he got dressed up in some red, white, and blue to take a few pictures.  After that, we ran some errands and all of the sudden it was bedtime. 

There were no fireworks for James this year because he has a bedtime that's pretty well set at 7:00pm.  Pro of this bedtime - mommy and daddy get quality time every night.  Con of this bedtime - our quality time is limited to our house or yard.  Ray and I celebrated the 4th by grilling out hamburgers and watching a movie.  There were fireworks in the movie... does that count?

By the way... getting a baby to look at you, and smile, and not move for a picture presents quite a challenge.  It was hot, so we took what we got yesterday. 


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