30 Weeks!

It's hard to believe that I'm 30 weeks pregnant.  That means I'm only 10 weeks from my due date.  That means that LOTS needs to happen between now and then.

So here are some much needed updates and pictures -

This is the first day of the third trimester - exactly 28 weeks!  Thanks to my friend, Hannah Pao, for letting me use her dress.  I got so many complements on this dress that day.  Everyone used the word "cute" to describe me and the outfit.  Not beautiful.  Not pretty.  But cute.  I guess it's something about the baby and the dots that makes it "cute."
Ray caught this picture of me before I was ready and he likes this one so much more.  I have no idea why.  I feel huge in this picture because you can't see that I actually just have a baby bump rather than looking like a whale.
And here's the 30 week picture!
So here are my pregnancy symptoms these days:
- A super active boy inside me.  This kid moves all the time!  I'm very happy about that though because I always have assurance that everything must be fine inside me.  If I start wondering, all I have to do is change positions and I guess I wake him up and he starts moving.  Hopefully he will sleep more once he's born, but for now, I'm not complaining.  It is a little uncomfortable when he starts kicining/pulling in my ribs.  He loves to do this in church (when I can't stand up and stretch out).  I suppose that I could jump up and dance around, but I don't think that many people in my church would appreciate that in the middle of the sermon :)
- Back pain.  Since about 20 weeks or so, I've had pain in my mid back.  I guess it makes sense when you look at what's pulling on me.  It's not fun, but if I stay moving and do my "angry cat" stretches, it's not too bad.  I would much rather have back pain than nausea any day.  I am very thankful that I don't have to sit much with my job.  I don't know if I could sit at a desk all day.  I would have to put my computer on a high table and stand there all day.  Thankfully, with my job, I am moving around all the time.  I hardly have a chance to sit.
- Bathroom breaks.  Yes... these are becoming more common.  It's 2-3 times a night these days.  Thankfully, I can almost always go right back to sleep.
- Leg cramps.  These are killer.  They wake me up in the middle of the night and I have to pace back and forth in our bedroom.  Ray has no idea that I even get up.  This happens at least a few times a week and it's not easy to go back to sleep after one of these.
- Tiredness.  I go to bed these days around 8:45-9:45.  I just get so exhausted at the end of the day that I can't keep my eyes open at night.  Even as tired as I feel now, I know from other moms that I don't even really know what real exhaustion feels like.  I will know that feeling after he's born.
- Dizziness.  This is the most obnoxious pregnancy symptom because there's not too much I can do about it.  I just have to make sure that I'm eating and drinking a lot throughout the day.

I really don't have it too bad though.  I'm so thankful that I have not experienced heartburn... at least not yet.

Two weeks ago, when I went for my 28 week appointment, I did the glucose screening test to see if I had gestational diabetes.  The results showed that my sugar was too high, so I had to go in for a 3 hour glucose test.  I got the results today, and I passed the test!  This is a huge weight off of me and Ray.  We are so thankful that I am still healthy and that I don't have to start a strict diet that could have involved pricking myself several times a day to check my sugar.

Who knows what I will look like in another 10 weeks!  I would be more than happy if the bump were smaller and there was a baby in my arms :)


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