One Month Until We Have Three!

As of yesterday, I was one month out from my due date!  FINALLY!  Seriously... This pregnancy has seemed to last forever.  I hate to complain, but I really have a hard time remembering what it was like before I got pregnant with Anna.. Or maybe it's all just getting foggy since I've been growing a baby inside me for more time over the past 4 years than I've been not pregnant.  By the time I have her next month, I will have been pregnant for about 27 months and not pregnant for 23 months since March of 2012.  It is an incredible blessing to grow babies - I do not take that lightly - But I will be thrilled once Anna is done baking and my body can be empty for a season.  

So how are things going now at a month out?  I feel like I should feel better than I do.  The truth is that it's hard even though I'm in way better shape than I've ever been in pregnancy and I'm over 20 pounds lighter than I was at this point with Luke.  I still go to the gym to workout 3 times a week and I almost always take a walk with squats and lunges along the way on the days I don't get to the gym.  Exercising helps a ton.  I'm still eating very few carbs, but I do allow myself to cheat occasionally.  My favorite meal recently has been Ray's grilled steak with his special steak sauce (it's some kind of super flavorful sweet, spicy, and smokey yumminess), grilled veggies, and my favorite salad.  My favorite salad (which I eat 1-2 times a day) is an avocado, some cucumbers, tomatoes, feta, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil (no lettuce)... It's so satisfying.  

In other news, I'm feeling very relaxed about the pregnancy and birth.  At this point in pregnancy, I usually do get somewhat anxious and excited... I wonder when labor will happen and what birth will look like.  It's always so interesting to think about... Knowing that each mom and baby have their own unique journey to bring life from inside of a mom to the outside. I very much respect the birth process... Some things I can control and many things I can't.  I find my peace in knowing that God knows exactly what's going to happen and He already knows Anna... He knew her before he formed her and that gives me so much peace.  A few weeks ago, I was very anxious about birth - Anna was breech and I was fearing a c-section.  But even before I knew she turned, I shared my anxieties with my bible study group and they were so encouraging and gave me scripture to pray. God really changed my heart and perspective and since then I've been at peace.  

Belly shot exactly one month out!
How are my boys these days?!  Just as wild and crazy as ever.  On Mother's Day, Ray was working on the bathroom (we are doing a renovation) all morning, so I decided to take the boys with me to get doughnuts before church because we never do that sort of thing and I wanted them to enjoy a special treat (and no... I didn't touch a doughnut... If I'm going to cheat, it needs to be chocolate).  They love going to Krispy Kreeme because they love watching the doughnuts being made and of course they love eating them.
They are doing better playing together these days.  They have moments when all is well... When they are actually doing the same thing and not fighting and killing one another.  But most of the time I have to step in at some point and correct James for attacking his brother or taking a toy.  It's mentally and emotionally exhausting for me, but I just try to be as consistent as possible.  I do see times when I'm hopeful for the future, so that's encouraging.  I wonder what they will be like when Anna arrives. 
Luke is my boy.  He's a sweetie.  He can be shy which is something James has never been.  He cuddles with me when we watch TV and read books.  He specifically asks for me when he's in uncomfortable situations. At the same time, he's brave and independent.  He is a wild man on the playground and not afraid of anything.  He is learning more and more new words all the time and enjoys talking.  He has strong opinions about things.  When you make him do something he doesn't want to do or pull him away from something he enjoys, he flails and screams like a typical toddler.  He still likes for Ray to wear him and he's happy in a stroller too.  He would love to walk everywhere, but I can't always let him do that since I have James to look after too.  He's starting to enjoy puzzles and he likes to build towers with his brother.  He likes to draw lines on the chalk board.  He loves to say hello and goodbye to strangers.  I can hardly remember what he was like as a baby.
James continues to be his wild and dramatic self.  He's wide open all the time.  He pushes Luke's buttons all day long but is sometimes sweet with his brother.  He's so excited about baby Anna.  He hugs and kisses my belly often and when I'm around, he always refers to me as "mama and baby Anna."  He talks more and more all the time... about everything and nothing.  I love talking with him.  He enjoys doing craft projects and I need to do them more, but it's hard to entertain Luke when I do them.  James does very well when he has a job, so we try to integrate him working with us whenever we can.  He loves playing outside and exploring the yard. He can sit and play in a pile of dirt for 30 minutes without a care in the world.  He naps well and I thank God for that because I don't know what I'll do when I have his wild personality awake all day long!
My parents went with me and the boys to the Science Center a couple of weeks ago.  The kids loved going with them.  I can't manage both of them alone these days since they run in opposite directions.  It was so fun to have grandparents with us!
Last weekend, my parents hosted a cookout / baby shower for Anna for our family and family friends.  It was so nice!  Between that shower and the one my friends threw for me, we have everything we need for a new baby.  We are obviously able to reuse a lot of stuff from James and Luke, but we needed and wanted some new things too and we are abundantly blessed. 
Then this past weekend was incredible. Ray's parents took the kids for the weekend and I was able to deep clean the house and nest while Ray worked on finishing up renovating our two bathrooms.  The bathrooms will be finished in the next few days and for that we are so thankful!  Between working, we went out to eat at some awesome local restaurants - Hops Burger Bar, Crafted Art of the Taco, and Taste of Thai.  My love language is quality time - so quality time with just Ray over the weekend was incredible... And then eating amazing food just made it perfect.  It's beyond refreshing to have time as just the two of us in the midst of this crazy season of life with young kids. I can't believe we are going from two to three of these little ones so soon!  Ahhh!  I'm excited, a little overwhelmed, and going to be praying a ton!


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