Busy Brothers

These boys are busy. They never just sit still... Well... James will sit still for Curious George but that's about it.  They are really starting to play well together and I love it!  They played in their kitchen and with blocks in the playroom today while I got 3 loads of laundry folded... and I only had to stop 3 times to get them to stop wrestling.  Here's the issue with wrestling lately... Luke initiates it even more than James.  And Luke loves wrestling and getting tackled - he doesn't cry at all when James shoves him to the floor.  So I have to keep a close eye on them to make sure that no one dies...
James was teaching Luke how to make eggs.  But Luke just wanted to throw the pans on the floor... 
They love these foam blocks I got from the $1 section in Target.  James stacks them up as he tells Luke, "No touching, baby!  Wait baby!  No touching!"  And Luke has his eyes locked on them... just waiting until he can attack.  Once James has finished stacking, he says, "Okay, baby!" And Luke joyfully knocks over James's creation. 
Of course there are times when James doesn't want Luke to knock over his masterpieces. And that's hard. I usually end up trying to hold Luke and entertain him with something else, but that doesn't always work.  Today I threw Luke in James's crib to keep him away from James's tower. 
And when we are in the living room, I sometimes put Luke in the fireplace to keep him away from James's things. Luke hasn't figured out how to crawl off the fire place and I'm not giving him any ideas.  For now, I like him being stuck up there.  It gives James space to create or do a puzzle without destructo (Luke) taking over.  
These boys are crazy!  But they love each other so much.  I'm so thankful for them and how they challenge me.  And I'm thankful that both of them are in bed by 7:30 each night! 


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