Becoming 2015

Some Westover friends and I went to the Becoming Conference in the mountains about a week ago and it was AMAZING! I haven't been on a girls trip since I was pregnant with James. I haven't left town without kids ever! So this was so great to leave on a Friday afternoon and return Saturday late at night. We had an incredible time in each others' company and I was so encouraged to be around other women who want to honor God, love their families, and serve others. As a stay at home mom, I get to see friends each week, but having a conversation across the playground is nothing like five girls packed in my minivan on a road trip. 

We were able to go to all kinds of sessions. I went to sessions on:
- how to be crunchy without going broke
- how to have a peaceful home
- how to tell your story and make an impact
- tips for capturing everyday moments in photographs 
- a chalk and hand lettering class

These are some notes I took from the Peaceful Home session.  I'm putting them here more for myself or anyone who went to the conference, but feel free to read.  I loved this session.  I know some people can have complete chaos in their house and it doesn't bother them.  No judgement at all for those people!  But for me, I have to have order in order to have peace and this girl spoke to my heart.  Anyway... Here are my notes from her session...
- Cultures swing back and forth from extremes.  We have gone from perfect moms who need to have perfect houses wearing pearls and heels to crazy chaos where everything is a mess and mom is frazzled.  Neither of those are good and we really need to find balance somewhere between the two.
- "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" - the reality is that this is a true statement and it means I have a lot of responsibility since I set the tone for my home.
- A peace filled home begins with a peace filled heart. 
- Peace filled heart -> Peace filled home -> Peace filled life
- Am I a peace maker?  A peace faker?  Or a peace breaker?
- Home is where you are.  Accept the home you have right now.  Do not look forward and focus on other stuff of your dreams.
- Your best friends should be a balance of routine and flexibility.
- What you do before you leave the house will determine how you feel when you walk back through that door.
- Clutter is no more than postponed decisions.
- When homes are cluttered, our heart is too.
- Learn the difference between clean and tidy.  Embrace tidy more than clean.  When your home is tidy, it's ok.  Even if it's not clean, it's not overwhelming.
- Give your eyes a break.  Have a surface/place that does not get clutter and you can keep it tidy and make it your own..
- Get your family involved - The "silent butler" trick - set a timer and get your kids to pick everything up.  What they don't clean up gets taken away and they have to earn it back.
- Learn to let go of some areas in your home.
- Decide what areas of your home to fight for.  For me, that's the kitchen! 
- Reflection: What does a peace filled home mean to you?  Do you think others would say your home is peace filled? 

Everything was great!  The weather was perfect and the surroundings were beautiful.  We were busy and didn't get to spend as much time just relaxing or staring at the mountains as I would have liked, but I would do it again 100 times over.
Roomie shot!  It was so fun.  Rooming together took me back to college days!
The hand lettering class was really interesting and I learned some new tips.  I can't wait to implement them with some new Sharpies I just bought today.  I already made the chalk board in my kitchen pretty too :)
Our Westover group! I'm sure we will have a larger group next year because I'll talk it up. Seriously... It was beyond refreshing!
Marsha was my pumping buddy!  We had babies just one month apart last fall and so we are still nursing.  We pumped at the same times during the conference which was nice because we talked while we pumped and we pumped in some random places... In kitchens, in our room, and in the middle of an empty conference room.  We basically went around hunting for outlets and a little privacy.  So it was great to have a friend to do this with me.  And then we carried our milk around with us on ice so we could take it home to use eventually or donate later. 
Another huge thing I must add - the only reason I could enjoy my time away so freely was because my superman husband was taking wonderful care of our boys at home.  He handles both of them so well.  Luke does not take a bottle very well, but they figured out how to make it work.  Ray texted me pictures and updates which made my heart happy.  He did an incredible job with them and I wasn't worried at all while I was gone.  He sent me this picture of them on the way to the science center (he took them all by himself on Saturday!).  

Will I do this again?  Absolutely!  I can't wait!


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