Luke is 6 Months Old

So half of the first year has passed.  What?!  I know this sounds horrible, but I'm very excited that he's six months old.  The first few months are HARD.  He's just getting used to the world and I'm getting used to taking care of two.  But now, we have our little rhythm going.  It's not a set and exact routine.  I don't get all upset if he takes a short nap or wakes up 3 times a night like I did with James.  His schedule has some flexibility and we are all happy about that.  So what's little man doing these days?
- He weighs around 19 1/2 pounds.  We haven't been to the doctor for his 6 month visit yet, but that's the best guess I have based off our scale.
- He can roll from his belly to his back!  He's done it a few times over the past couple of days.
- He loves being on his tummy.  It's crazy!  If I put him on the floor on his back, he immediately flips to his belly.  
- He really likes jumping in the jumper.  Kid will hang out there, jump, and play with toys while watching me and James in the living room for 30-40 minutes.  
- He is really enjoying hanging out on my back these days.  Our size 3 Girasol woven wrap is our favorite wrap for back carries - we like the Half Jordan's Back Carry with a Candy Cane chest belt.
- When I'm just hanging around the house, he prefers to be on my hip, so I've been using my size 2 Gira with rings to have a no sew ring sling.  I just sent off my size 6 wrap to get it converted to a ring sling since we hardly ever used the size 6.  
- He loves loves loves his brother.  He loves watching him.  And James loves Luke too.  It's so precious.
- Luke actually kinda likes food.  It's crazy to me since I couldn't get anything in James's mouth until he was about 11 months old.  I started giving Luke tiny bites of whatever we were eating a few days ago.  So far he's eaten sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado, banana, applesauce, strawberries, blueberries, peas, black beans, bell peppers, and eggs.  The only two things he didn't want at all were eggs and peppers.  I'm just letting him taste stuff for now.  When he eats, he only eats maybe 1/2 teaspoon worth of food.  We plan to do baby led weaning and since he can't sit up on his own or bring food to his mouth on his own, he's not really ready for BLW.  But I do still want him to taste stuff, so I feed him tiny tastes. 
- He wakes up 1-3 times a night to eat.  He takes about 5 minutes to eat and then he goes back to sleep. 
- He loves his sleep.  He goes to bed at 6:30pm and he has been waking up later - around 6:30/7am.  I hope he continues to sleep later because he was waking up at 5:30 for a long time!
- He takes a morning nap in his crib.  It's somewhere between 45 minutes - 1.5 hours.  He takes an afternoon nap with me usually.  I still nap most afternoons too. 
- He's very chill unless he's tired.  When he's tired, he gets irritable which is completely understandable. 
And some pictures! 

He's so strong! 
My napping buddy :)
Hanging out with Dada at the park after work-
That grin melts my heart.
Happy baby!
Luke, we can't wait to see the man you become!  Yay for your 1/2 birthday!


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