Two Months To Go!

It's July 29!  That means we are only two months away from my due date!  I'm getting to the point in pregnancy where I'm more and more excited about labor and delivery - mostly because I'm ready to have this resident living inside me to make his way out.  Obviously I wouldn't want to go into labor right now at only 31 weeks, but I'll be happy once I hit about 38-39 weeks and you better believe I'd happily welcome strong contractions at that point.  So... pregnancy wise... what's up these days?
  • I'm measuring exactly where I should be and I have been this entire pregnancy.  This doesn't make me confident that I will have a normal sized baby though.  I'm ready for another 9 pounder if that's what happens.
  • I'm making myself stay active.  Even if it's just a slow walk after dinner, I'm making myself get out and get some exercise.  I'm still doing prenatal yoga once a week and that's been great.
  • I don't have back pain like I did last pregnancy.  I think it's a combination of being able to lay down and rest during the afternoon while James naps and the fact that I'm not on my feet working all day like last time.  I think that yoga helps too. 
  • I passed the one hour glucose tolerance test!  Yay!  With James, I had to take the three hour test.  All of those tests are awful, but the one hour is better than the three hour.  If we are blessed to have another child down the road, I'm refusing this test next time.  I will not drink that drink.  There are other ways to test your sugar and I'll be looking into those other options.  
  • I get comments daily like the following: "You look like you're about to pop," "You've dropped... that baby must be coming any day," "I'm sure you're at your due date, right?" And I always love answering, "Nope!  I still have a few months left."
  • I still crave Thai food all the time.  I'm loving eggs again these days.  I ate eggs multiple times each day in my first trimester.  In my second trimester, I didn't want to touch them.  But now in my third trimester, I'm loving them again.  My breakfast is usually 2 eggs (from my parents' chickens), a tomato (from my parents' garden), and a bowl of cereal with lots of whole milk and a little cereal.  I pretty much want to eat anything that's healthy.  I've gained quite a bit of weight, but what can you do when you're eating well but you're just hungry all the time?  This is why I'm mentally preparing myself for another huge baby.  At least I have the confidence that I know my body did it last time, so I know it can do it again.
  •  I feel this baby move a ton.  I had an anterior placenta with James, so that could have blocked some of the feelings of the movements.  With this baby, I have a posterior placenta, so that could be why I feel more.  I'm so used to the movements, that I don't even think about them.  Sometimes I get alarmed and think "I haven't felt the baby in a long time." But then when I sit and prod my belly a little, I always feel him within a few minutes if not immediately. 
And here's the belly shot two months out - 
 I'm in nesting mode full force.  I've actually been in nesting mode this entire pregnancy, but I don't always have the time or the energy to do the things I want to do with James running around.  We transitioned James out of the nursery and into his big boy room two nights ago.  So far he's doing well.  He's still in a crib, but I love his new crib.  Lisa and I took a trip to Ikea about a month ago and she bought a dresser for his new room and the crib.  This crib converts to a toddler bed, so I'm very excited about that.  I felt crazy getting a second crib, but I knew that he wasn't ready to leave the crib (he is often sleeping up against the side of the crib).  So whenever he can climb out of the crib (hopefully never?), we will take off the side of the crib to convert it to a toddler bed.  

Here's a look at his new room.  There's nothing on the walls yet and I still want to get a few more things for it, but it's coming along.  His new room is navy and orange, but I had to take a few things from the nursery that are turquoise because I don't have those things for his room yet. 
When I took his clothes out of the nursery and moved his changing pad, diapers, lamp, favorite books, and other things from the nursery and put them in his new room just a few feet away, I got very emotional.  Is my baby really not a baby anymore?  How did this happen?  The only thing that makes me feel better is that I have another baby on the way.  But it's still so sad that my sweet baby James is never going to be a baby again.  I do take great delight in each new stage and I love watching him develop, but I am grieving him leaving the nursery.  My baby's a toddler and there's no going back.  

Here's the nursery... looking a little empty these days.  I'm going to keep the theme the same - turquoise with giraffes.  I'm glad I'm keeping that part simple. 
I can't believe we're two months out!  We still have so much to do, but at least we have a good start :)


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