Sweet Summertime

Summertime has seemed to FLY by this year!  There are a few things I don't like about summer - I get burned way too easily and never tan, so I'm always looking for a patch of shade - BUT all in all, I love summer.  There are so many fun things to do outside and you don't have to worry about getting cold.  Here are some glimpses of what we've been doing this summer.  

Just before it got really hot, we went strawberry picking!  The awesome hats are to help us avoid the sun... clearly not a fashion statement. 
James was the perfect little helper.  This was before he could walk, so he just scooted up and down the rows and helped me pick!
We went to Ingram Farm in High Point to pick the berries.  It was a wonderful place!  They had all types of animals for the kids to see (no charge) and they also had picnic tables under a shelter where we ate a packed lunch.  We went with our friends, Marsha and Jaxon.  This was James's first time seeing goats and he loved them!
We have spent lots of time playing outside in the backyard.  When we were house hunting, I didn't care if the house had a fenced in backyard or not.  Now, I am SO thankful that our backyard is fenced!  James can run around and explore and I don't have to worry about him escaping.  Ahhhh... It's nice.  
Of course he loves drinking from his water table...
And check out this awesome play house I found on the curb!  Ray came home from work and picked it up for me.  So thankful for free stuff!  James loves to ring the doorbell, open and close the windows, and bring in mulch and put it on the "kitchen table."  And the basketball goal and chair beside the house were curb finds too...
He likes to help daddy put leaves in trash bags.  We are getting more motivated to clean up the yard even more since he's spending so much time outside...
Sometimes we eat outside...
Sometimes we play inside... especially when I'm just too hot and pregnant to go outside.  Thank goodness for childproofing.  And of course our favorite summertime outfit is a diaper.  Clothes are so overrated. 
 Obviously the best toys are not toys...
He likes this tent I got him from Ikea...
  James loves to go to parks and play on the playgrounds.  I'm so glad we live close to several wonderful parks!
 He loves to go down slides all by himself...
 We have gone to the splash park a few times and James loves it.  It wears me out, but he has a blast...
 We've spent several Friday evenings over at my parents' house.  There's always fun things to do there!  James loves to pet and ride the horses and chase the chickens.  Ray takes care of the bees there.  And I try to go swimming for a bit because it feels so good to be weightless.  Of course Lisa always provides a great dinner too!
It has been a great summer so far, but I won't lie... I'm looking forward to the weather cooling down.  Because once it starts to get cooler, that means this baby will be closer to getting here.  It's going to be crazy with two boys!  I'm cherishing the days with just one because life is so simple and pretty easy, but I look forward to the next season with two little ones :) 


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