15 Months!

It has been awhile since I've done an update on James.  This update is way overdue!  Here's what he's doing these days:
- He has made the transition from taking two naps a day to one nap a day.  His morning nap kept getting later and he'd sleep longer.  At the same time, he was having a hard time going down for his afternoon nap.  So, about 2 weeks ago, I made the decision to transition him to one nap a day.  Sometimes he is fussy in the mornings if we just stay at home, but if we get out and go somewhere, he's distracted and content.  He goes down for his afternoon nap between 12:30-1:00.  He is very tired at this point and he's been sleeping typically 3 - 3 1/2 hours.  It is glorious.  He has always been a great napper, so I hope this continues... until he's 10 years old (is that asking for too much?).
- He happily scoots on his bottom to get everywhere.  He's very efficient in this mode of transportation and it's the cutest thing.  I forget how fun and unique it is until someone sees him doing it for the first time and is delighted by it.
- He pulls up on furniture and walks along furniture and walls while holding on.  I still think he's a long way from walking, but he likes to explore independently any way he can.  
- He is slowly adding more food to his diet.  His favorite foods are eggs, fruit, and chicken.  I cook him a scrambled egg for breakfast every morning and he eats most of it.  He also enjoys most fruit.  In addition to berries, he now loves grapes and tangerines.  We eat a lot of chicken, so he eats a lot of chicken for dinner too.  He also eats a lot of bread.  He's not a fan of veggies and this breaks my heart.  He is usually at least willing to take a tiny bite of most veggies to try it, but he does not go for seconds.  I'm at least thankful that he's tasting more food these days.  We just give him whatever we are eating and he has never had a reaction to any food or seemed to have any sensitivities.  I am so thankful for this.  One time his tummy bothered him after some unusually spicy Chipotle, but other than that one instance, he's been fine.  
- He's nursing about 4 times a day.  He still gets a large portion of his calories and nutrition from breast milk.  I'm glad to be able to continue nursing him.  
- He is so much fun these days.  He smiles and laughs all the time.  It's entertaining to watch him, play with him, take him places, and just have and hold him.  We are so thankful for the privilege to raise him. 

He turned 15 months old yesterday, but these are some pictures I took outside today.  I can feel spring coming! 
He has learned how to pull himself up on the hearth and walk around the fireplaces.  He is so proud of himself when he does this.
And he loves to play with his cars
Enjoying some breakfast in his PJs-
On the warm days, we've gone to the park.  James loves the swings and the slides, but I think his favorite activity is scooting on his bottom in the mulch.
We went to Chic Fil A to get free chicken sandwiches (if you wore ACC attire, you got to eat free).  James had to wear adult clothes since we didn't have any ACC clothes for him.  But he got his free chicken sandwich and ate most of it!
Chillin at Costco-
He got into his closet and got into the air freshener (baking soda) and had the best time.  I just let him play since it was harmless and he enjoyed it-
And one of his favorite places to be is right next to me or Ray. 
James, you're so much fun!  Keep growing and changing - you are pure joy!


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