The Countdown Is On...

I'm 35 weeks 2 days and I'm officially counting down to my tentative induction date. It can't get here soon enough!  So why am I planning to be induced?  A couple of reasons... The first reason is because this baby can't seem to find the right position just like his older sister.  Since Anna moved from vertex, to breech, to transverse all the way until we forced her to be vertex (head down), we have good reason to think that this baby will do the same.  The second reason I'm planning to be induced is because I'm a little concerned about this baby's size (particularly his abdominal circumference) since I have gestational diabetes and even with medication (metformin and insulin) my numbers (especially my fasting number) are not ideal. 

Last week (at 34 weeks 4 days), this little boy was measuring in the 70th percentile overall, but 75th percentile for abdominal circumference at the ultrasound.  That put him at 5 pounds 11 ounces.  Obviously ultrasounds can be off, but it gives us a decent idea.  He looked great on his biophysical profile and his non-stress test also.  I have non-stress tests each week at my appointments and it's fun and relaxing for me.  I hope he stays here and doesn't jump up to the 90th percentile.  We will have another ultrasound at 38 weeks.  Hopefully he doesn't gain 5 more pounds in the next few weeks before I have him and end up being an 11 pound baby like Luke.  In the meantime, he's looking pretty cute and you can tell that he's another Bower Baby for sure! 
As far as his position, he's been in a different position every time I have an appointment.  At the ultrasound last week, he was actually vertex and I think that he stayed that way for a few days.  But over the last day or so, he's been transverse quite a bit too.  The child moves non-stop.  I'm so thankful for a healthy moving baby... I just wish his head would find my cervix and stay there.

So what am I feeling?!  Well... I know this baby is going to be larger than Anna.  Her labor was so quick and smooth... So I'm not so sure that this labor will be quite like that so I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that.  I'm excited and ready for the induction... We are planning to have a version and then and induction scheduled in case we need to turn him in the right position before we induce labor.  My awesome midwife (Daniela from Wendover OBGYN) is going to be there with me for my induction, so that gives me a lot of peace.  And of course Sarah (my amazing doula partner who was there for Luke and Anna) will be there with me again too.  And then Ray will be there obviously.  So I feel great about the birth team.  It makes me uneasy to not know how big the baby will be, how I will be induced, if I can labor in a birth tub, or if we will have to turn him before labor begins... But I realize that I can't control ANY of that at all.  God knows when, where, and how this baby will be born.  I must trust Him! 

And I'm all about just trying to stay comfortable these days.  So anything that's not too hot is my preference as far as clothing.  And I sleep.  A lot.  I sleep hard at night and I nap almost every afternoon.  This baby takes a lot out of me... but I know he is so worth it!


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