Predictions are in!

One week from today we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl!  I'm so excited.  I mean, I want to know when I get a positive pregnancy test if it's a boy or a girl.  Really, more than anything, we just want to see a healthy baby when we go for our anatomy ultrasound a week from today, but getting to find out the sex of  the baby is a major bonus and highlight.  So I figured I'd have fun with it and check out some of the old wives' tales regarding boys v girls...

1. The Ramzi Theory.  Read more about it here. I had an ultrasound at exactly 8 weeks.  This theory works best at 6 weeks.  But according to this theory, I asked my ultrasound tech where the placenta looked like it would be.  She said the left side witch indicates GIRL.

2. The Chinese Gender Chart. This was correct for me with both boys, but I know it's not right for tons (probably 50%) of people.  This chart predicts GIRL.

3. Heart Rate.  If the baby's hear rate is above 140, they say it's a girl.  If it's below 140, it's a boy.  All of my kids have always had heart rates at 140 or above.  This predicts GIRL.

4. Acne.  If you have acne while pregnant, they say it's a girl.  I have had more acne this pregnancy.  With the first two, I had extra clear skin while pregnant.  BUT I did stop using face wash on my face several months ago. This could be part of it.  This predicts GIRL.

5. Moodiness / Emotional.  They say that if you are moody or emotional, it's a girl. BUT I happen to know that pregnancy in general makes me moody.  I remember one intense emotional breakdown when pregnant with James.  I don't remember being too emotional with Luke.  I have been very emotional this pregnancy.  Little things upset me.  I feel like I've been stretched very thin and I have trouble coping.  But I think that has more to do with two wild boys and me feeling sick than a boy v a girl.  Either way, this predicts GIRL.

6. Side you most rest on. If you prefer to lay on your left, it's a boy.  If you prefer the right, it's a girl.  They recommend laying on your left side in pregnancy in general so I've been sleeping primarily on my left side for almost 4 years.  This predicts BOY.

7. Dad's weight gain. If the dad gains weight while mom is pregnant, it's a girl.  If he doesn't, it's a boy.  I'm pretty sure Ray hasn't gained any weight since we've been married.  So that's a BOY.

8. Morning Sickness.  If you have morning sickness it's a girl.  If you don't, it's a boy.  I was nauseous all day from weeks 5.5-12 with James and Luke.  This time, I took vitamin B6 to try to help the nausea.  The nausea started earlier and lasted longer this pregnancy.  It was there from week 4-14.  But the nausea wasn't as intense and I think that is because I was taking the B6.  But who really knows.  Prediction: GIRL.

9. Protien.  If you crave protein, especially meat, it's a boy.  Considering I need my first serving of meat by 9am, this absolutely predicts BOY.

10. Baby Names.  When you can only think of a specific name for a boy or a girl, they say you are having that particular baby.  We have a handful of names we have discussed for a girl.  We have nothing for a boy.  But I think that has more to do with the fact that we've already used our two favorite boy names.  This predicts GIRL.

Finally, they say that the mother's intuition is right 71% of the time.  What do I think I'm having?  I really don't know at all.  When I was pregnant with James, I didn't really care, but I imagined a girl.  With Luke, I wanted a girl and I almost cried when I found out he was a boy, but by the end of the day we found out I was thrilled that he was a he and now I can't imagine life without my two boys.  With this baby, I get excited at the idea that it could be a girl.  But then I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that I'll certainly be a mom to 3 boys.  And no matter if it's a boy or a girl, I'll be thrilled because I always pictured myself with 3 kids.  Ray of course says it's a boy because he says he only produces males.  We will know in a week!  A week seems like an eternity away. 


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