Fall = Fair Time

On Saturday, October 7th, Ray's parents took Kaitlyn, Ray, and me to the fair.  It reminded me of when I was a kid!  I have not been to the fair in years, so it was a lot of fun.  When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was to go to the fun house and go down those slides that you use potato sacks to slide down.  This year, especially because I'm 8 months pregnant, I just wanted to check out the vegetables, animals, and eat some hot homemade chips.  We got to do all of that, so it was a successful fair day.  I figured I would enjoy the last time of going to the fair and doing all the "adult" things like stare at the vegetables, admire the animals, and just watch the people.  I'm sure James will be less interested in vegetables when it's his turn to go to the fair.  Hopefully he won't want to go to those haunted house places because I won't be going along.  I have some seriously disturbing memories from those places.

Look at the cool apples that kids decorated!  Maybe I could get James interested in decorating an apple for the fair... maybe...
These pumpkins were huge.  The winning pumpkin weighed over 800 pounds. 
Gigantic watermellons.  The winner was just over 200 pounds.  I read a pregnancy book that said that around 38 weeks the baby is the size of a watermellon.  I'm hoping I'm not carrying a watermellon that would be entered in the fair.
Strange looking veggies.... I'm not sure what the competition was here...
Best fall basket...
Ok - now on to the animals.  The following picture was by far my favorite part.  What you are looking at is a FEMALE goat.  I for sure thought that this was a male goat when I looked at it from behind.  Then I realized that it was time for a baby goat to eat. 
Now, A message for my child: James - This is a message for you - PLEASE, NEVER let your mother get in this condition.  Please have a healthy appetite at all times so that I am not at the point of exploding.  Thanks so much and I love you very much.
And then there was RELIEF! 
On to the cows.  Notice how the owner of the cows (to the left) looks a lot like the cows. 
And then we went to the area where people were showing the cows.  I had no idea what was going on and I was quite bored.  I wonder - is this what people feel like when they go to a horse show? 
Vintage tractor -
And another -
Good ole tobacco.  They talk about this crop a lot in my family.  It was basically Lisa's family's livelihood.  I'm just glad that I don't have a need for it. 
I got super excited about the Christmas trees because Christmas time = baby time! 
A cake of flowers...
Ray ALMOST won me a giraffe -
He was so close! 
But you have to leave the fair with some type of stuffed animal, right?  So, one of those guys who will guess your weight / guess your age / guess your birthday told me that he would guess my due date within 3 days.  He actually guessed January 5th, but my due date is December 5th.  It made me feel a little better about my large belly :)  He did not have any giraffes, so I won a turquoise dolphin that's sitting in the nursery right now. 
Yay for the fair! 


  1. A few thoughts...

    First, IF that was a male goat, he would've been having some problems of his own!

    Second, horse shows are awesome and cow shows suck!


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